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Terreno in vendita - Mafamude

EUR 1.250.000

Terreno (In vendita)

Riferimento: EDEN-T66825715 / 66825715
Excellent Land with 6572 m2, with capacity for construction of Mixed Typology. Situated right next to the ALDI of Vilar do Paraíso_ Vila Nova de Gaia. Taken From the Regulation of the PDM of Vila Nova de Gaia SUBSECTION III – URBANIZED AREAS OF MIXED TYPOLOGY TO Article 51 – Identification and characterization 1. The Urbanized Areas of Mixed Typology comprise the following subcategories, depending on the public spaces and the built urban fronts that form it are or are not stabilized: a) Consolidated Urbanized Areas of Mixed Typology a; b) Urbanized Areas in Transformation of Mixed Typology. 2. The Consolidated Urbanized Areas of Mixed Typology are characterized by being areas in which the public space and the built urban fronts that conform to it are mostly stabilized, intending to maintain and enhance the existing meshes and morphology. 3. The Urbanized Areas in Transformation of Mixed Typology are characterized by being zones in which the public space and the built urban fronts that form it are not mostly stabilized, being in the process of constructive transformation and use. Article 52 – Uses 1. In Urbanized Areas of Mixed Typology, multifunctionality should be promoted. 2. The dominant uses are those of housing, commerce and services. 3. The complementary uses are the equipment in general. 4. Other uses, namely warehouses and industries, are also allowed as compatible, provided that they do not contravene the provisions of article 12. Article 53 – Edibility in the Consolidated Urbanized Areas of Mixed Typology 1.As dominant urban operations in these areas consist of building works. 2. Any intervention in these areas must ensure the maintenance of homogeneous characteristics, such as existing meshes, morphologies, typologies or alignment and an adequate insertion in the surrounding area, valuing the architectural quality of the whole, validating, for this purpose, the following rules: a) The permissible alignment is the dominant except that the municipality has already established new alignments in accordance with article 36; (b) the cercea shall be the dominant one, except where a new cercea has been established by means of an appropriate instrument, the provisions of Article 41 applying in addition; c) The municipality may impose a different cercea from the result of the application of the preceding paragraph, when it is concerned with the safeguarding of heritage values or the urban integration in the built set where the building is located. Location of excellence for its centrality in an area rich in commerce and services. Good coverage in terms of public transport and access to all roads. Excellent access to the main highways of Vila Nova de Gaia About 1km from Gaia Shopping. Learn more about this fantastic Terrain. Unique opportunity! Visualizza di più Visualizza di meno Excelente  Terreno com 6572 m2, com capacidade para construção de Tipologia Mista. Situado mesmo ao lado do ALDI de Vilar do  Paraíso_ Vila Nova de Gaia.   Retirado Do Regulamento do PDM de Vila Nova de Gaia SUBSECÇÃO III – ÁREAS URBANIZADAS DE TIPOLOGIA MIST A Artigo 51.º  – Identificação e caracterização  1. As Áreas Urbanizadas de Tipologia Mista compreendem as seguintes subcategorias, consoante os espaços públicos e as frentes urbanas edificadas que o conformam se apresentem ou não estabilizadas: a) Áreas Urbanizadas Consolidadas de Tipologia Mist a;  b) Áreas Urbanizadas em Transformação de Tipologia Mista.  2. As Áreas Urbanizadas Consolidadas de Tipologia Mista caracterizam-se por serem zonas em que o espaço público e as frentes urbanas edificadas que o conformam se apresentam maioritariamente estabilizados, pretendendo-se a manutenção e valorização das malhas e morfologia existentes.  3. As Áreas Urbanizadas em Transformação de Tipologia Mista caracterizam-se por serem zonas em que o espaço público e as frentes urbanas edificadas que o conformam não se apresentam maioritariamente estabilizados, encontrando-se em processo de transformação construtivo e de uso. Artigo 52.º – Usos 1. Nas Áreas Urbanizadas de Tipologia Mista deve ser promovida a multifuncionalidade.  2. Os usos dominantes são os de habitação, comércio e serviços. 3. Os usos complementares são os equipamentos em geral. 4. Admitem-se ainda, como compatíveis, outros usos, nomeadamente armazéns e indústrias, desde que não contrariem o disposto no artigo 12.º.  Artigo 53.º – Edificabilidade nas Áreas Urbanizadas Consolidadas de Tipologia Mista 1.As operações urbanísticas dominantes nestas área s consistem em obras de edificação. 2. Qualquer intervenção nestas áreas deve garantir, a manutenção das características homogéneas, como as malhas, morfologias, tipologias ou alinhamento existentes e uma adequada inserção na área envolvente, valorizando a qualidade arquitectónica do conjunto, valendo, para o efeito, as seguintes regras: a) O alinhamento admissível é o dominante excepto q uando o município já tenha estabelecido novos alinhamentos nos termos do artigo 36.º;  b) A cércea é a dominante, excepto quando se tenha estabelecido uma nova cércea através de instrumento adequado, aplicando-se supletivamente o disposto no artigo 41º; c) O município pode impor cércea diferente da resul tante da aplicação da alínea anterior, quando estiver em causa a salvaguarda de valores patrimoniais ou a integração urbanística no conjunto edificado onde o prédio se localiza.   Localização de excelência pela sua centralidade em zona rica em comércio e serviços. Boa cobertura em termos de transportes públicos e acessos a todas as vias.  Excelentes acessos aos principais eixos rodoviários de Vila Nova de Gaia  A cerca de 1km do Gaia Shopping. Saiba mais sobre este fantástico Terreno. Oportunidade única! Excellent Land with 6572 m2, with capacity for construction of Mixed Typology. Situated right next to the ALDI of Vilar do Paraíso_ Vila Nova de Gaia. Taken From the Regulation of the PDM of Vila Nova de Gaia SUBSECTION III – URBANIZED AREAS OF MIXED TYPOLOGY TO Article 51 – Identification and characterization 1. The Urbanized Areas of Mixed Typology comprise the following subcategories, depending on the public spaces and the built urban fronts that form it are or are not stabilized: a) Consolidated Urbanized Areas of Mixed Typology a; b) Urbanized Areas in Transformation of Mixed Typology. 2. The Consolidated Urbanized Areas of Mixed Typology are characterized by being areas in which the public space and the built urban fronts that conform to it are mostly stabilized, intending to maintain and enhance the existing meshes and morphology. 3. The Urbanized Areas in Transformation of Mixed Typology are characterized by being zones in which the public space and the built urban fronts that form it are not mostly stabilized, being in the process of constructive transformation and use. Article 52 – Uses 1. In Urbanized Areas of Mixed Typology, multifunctionality should be promoted. 2. The dominant uses are those of housing, commerce and services. 3. The complementary uses are the equipment in general. 4. Other uses, namely warehouses and industries, are also allowed as compatible, provided that they do not contravene the provisions of article 12. Article 53 – Edibility in the Consolidated Urbanized Areas of Mixed Typology 1.As dominant urban operations in these areas consist of building works. 2. Any intervention in these areas must ensure the maintenance of homogeneous characteristics, such as existing meshes, morphologies, typologies or alignment and an adequate insertion in the surrounding area, valuing the architectural quality of the whole, validating, for this purpose, the following rules: a) The permissible alignment is the dominant except that the municipality has already established new alignments in accordance with article 36; (b) the cercea shall be the dominant one, except where a new cercea has been established by means of an appropriate instrument, the provisions of Article 41 applying in addition; c) The municipality may impose a different cercea from the result of the application of the preceding paragraph, when it is concerned with the safeguarding of heritage values or the urban integration in the built set where the building is located. Location of excellence for its centrality in an area rich in commerce and services. Good coverage in terms of public transport and access to all roads. Excellent access to the main highways of Vila Nova de Gaia About 1km from Gaia Shopping. Learn more about this fantastic Terrain. Unique opportunity!
Riferimento: EDEN-T66825715
Paese: PT
Città: Vila Nova De Gaia
Codice postale: 4430-240
Categoria: Residenziale
Tipo di annuncio: In vendita
Tipo di proprietà: Terreno
Grandezza proprietà: 6.572


Prezzo medio di vendita per
Ott 2023
3 months
1 year
EUR 2.668
EUR 2.908



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