Opportunità di business in vendita - São Clemente
EUR 2.500.000
Opportunità di business (In vendita)
/ 104629749
Faro Loule Sao Sebastiao
Codice postale:
Tipo di annuncio:
In vendita
Tipo di proprietà:
Opportunità di business
Grandezza proprietà:
720 m²
Camere da letto:
Boutique hotel or guest house
- Residential commercial space
- Vision project or matching
- Restaurant/Café with accommodation
This is a property with great historical and architectural value, ready for a new innovative project. With traditional architecture and a privileged location, it offers multiple possibilities of use, whether for housing, commerce or tourism. With a noble and robust construction, it has survived two earthquakes with any damage. Part of the house, including the kitchen and master bedrooms, retains its original design. Apartments, with 92m², and the old winery with 24m². Project
- Restaurant/Café with accommodation
This is a property with great historical and architectural value, ready for a new innovative project. Visualizza di più Visualizza di meno Este edificio histórico, ubicado en el corazón de la ciudad de Loulé, representa una excelente oportunidad de inversión. Con una arquitectura tradicional y una ubicación privilegiada, ofrece múltiples posibilidades de uso, ya sea para la vivienda, el comercio o el turismo. Con una construcción noble y robusta, sobrevivió 2 terremotos sin ningún daño. Parte de la casa, incluyendo la cocina y las habitaciones principales, mantiene la polilla original. El edificio se puede transformar en:
Hotel boutique o casa de huéspedes
- Espacio comercial residencial
- Proyecto de visión o coincidente
- Restaurante/Café con alojamiento
Esta es una propiedad con gran valor histórico y arquitectónico, listo para un nuevo proyecto innovador. Con una arquitectura tradicional y una ubicación privilegiada, ofrece múltiples posibilidades de uso, ya sea para vivienda, comercio o turismo. Con una construcción noble y robusta, ha sobrevivido a dos terremotos con cualquier daño. Parte de la casa, incluida la cocina y las habitaciones principales, conserva su diseño original. Pisos, con 92m², y la antigua bodega con 24m². Proyecto
- Restaurante/Café con alojamiento
Esta es una propiedad con gran valor histórico y arquitectónico, listo para un nuevo proyecto innovador. Este edifício histórico, situado no coração da cidade de Loulé, representa uma
excelente oportunidade de investimento. Com uma arquitetura tradicional e uma
localização privilegiada, oferece múltiplas possibilidades de utilização, seja para habitação, comércio ou turismo.
para o Largo e para a Igreja de S. Francisco, tem também uma bonita vista do
sótão, para o monte da Mãe Soberana. Com uma construção nobre e robusta,
sobreviveu a 2 terramotos sem quaisquer danos.Com 360m² de área coberta, distribuída por 2 pisos mais sótão. Parte da casa,
incluindo a cozinha e salas principais, mantém a traça original.No seu agradável pátio interior, com 174m², pavimentado com calçada portuguesa
e acesso direto para viaturas ao Largo de S Francisco, podemos ainda encontrar
a antiga cocheira, um edifício isolado com dois pisos, com 92m², e a antiga
adega com 24m².Com um excelente potencial quer para habitação própria, quer para investimento
Potencial e Oportunidades
Este edifício pode ser transformado em:
- Boutique Hotel ou Guesthouse
- Espaço Comercial + Residencial
- Projeto de Co-living ou Co-working
- Restaurante/Café com alojamento
A localização central na cidade de Loulé permite acesso rápido a todas as
comodidades, serviços e pontos turísticos. Trata-se de um imóvel com grande valor histórico e arquitetónico, pronto para um novo projeto inovador.
Se precisar de mais detalhes ou quiser explorar possibilidades de renovação e investimento, posso ajudá-lo!
This historic building, located in the heart of the city of Loulé, represents an excellent investment opportunity. With traditional architecture and a privileged location, it offers multiple possibilities for use, whether for housing, commerce or tourism.
Facing the Largo and the Church of S. Francisco, it also has a beautiful view from the attic to the hill of the Sovereign Mother. With a noble and robust construction, it has survived two earthquakes without any damage.
It has 360m² of covered area, spread over 2 floors plus an attic. Part of the house, including the kitchen and main rooms, retains its original design.
In its pleasant interior courtyard, with 174m², paved with Portuguese sidewalk and direct access for vehicles to Largo de S Francisco, we can also find the old coach house, an isolated building with two floors, with 92m², and the old cellar with 24m².
With excellent potential for both own housing and investment
Potential and Opportunities
This building can be transformed into:
- Boutique Hotel or Guesthouse
- Commercial + Residential Space
- Co-living or Co-working Project
- Restaurant/Cafe with accommodation
The central location in the city of Loulé allows quick access to all amenities, services and tourist attractions. This is a property with great historical and architectural value, ready for a new innovative project.
If you need more details or want to explore renovation and investment possibilities, I can help! Αυτό το ιστορικό κτίριο, που βρίσκεται στην καρδιά της πόλης του Λουλέ, αποτελεί μια εξαιρετική επενδυτική ευκαιρία. Με παραδοσιακή αρχιτεκτονική και προνομιακή τοποθεσία, προσφέρει πολλαπλές δυνατότητες χρήσης, είτε για κατοικία, εμπόριο ή τουρισμό. Με αρχοντική και στιβαρή κατασκευή, επέζησε από 2 σεισμούς χωρίς καμία ζημιά. Μέρος του σπιτιού, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της κουζίνας και των κύριων δωματίων, διατηρεί τον αρχικό σκώρο. Το κτίριο μπορεί να μετατραπεί σε:
Boutique ξενοδοχείο ή ξενώνας
- Οικιστικός εμπορικός χώρος
- Όραμα έργο ή αντιστοίχιση
- Εστιατόριο/Καφέ με διαμονή
Πρόκειται για ένα ακίνητο με μεγάλη ιστορική και αρχιτεκτονική αξία, έτοιμο για ένα νέο καινοτόμο έργο. Με παραδοσιακή αρχιτεκτονική και προνομιακή τοποθεσία, προσφέρει πολλαπλές δυνατότητες χρήσης, είτε για κατοικία, εμπόριο ή τουρισμό. Με μια ευγενή και στιβαρή κατασκευή, έχει επιβιώσει από δύο σεισμούς με οποιεσδήποτε ζημιές. Μέρος του σπιτιού, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της κουζίνας και των κύριων υπνοδωματίων, διατηρεί τον αρχικό του σχεδιασμό. Διαμερίσματα, με 92m², και το παλιό οινοποιείο με 24m². Έργο
- Εστιατόριο/Καφέ με διαμονή
Πρόκειται για ένα ακίνητο με μεγάλη ιστορική και αρχιτεκτονική αξία, έτοιμο για ένα νέο καινοτόμο έργο. This historic building, located in the heart of the city of Loulé, represents an excellent investment opportunity. With traditional architecture and a privileged location, it offers multiple possibilities of use, whether for housing, commerce or tourism. With a noble and robust construction, it survived 2 earthquakes without any damage. Part of the house, including the kitchen and main rooms, keeps the original moth. The building can be transformed into:
Boutique hotel or guest house
- Residential commercial space
- Vision project or matching
- Restaurant/Café with accommodation
This is a property with great historical and architectural value, ready for a new innovative project. With traditional architecture and a privileged location, it offers multiple possibilities of use, whether for housing, commerce or tourism. With a noble and robust construction, it has survived two earthquakes with any damage. Part of the house, including the kitchen and master bedrooms, retains its original design. Apartments, with 92m², and the old winery with 24m². Project
- Restaurant/Café with accommodation
This is a property with great historical and architectural value, ready for a new innovative project. Ce bâtiment historique, situé au cœur de la ville de Loulé, représente une excellente opportunité d’investissement. Doté d’une architecture traditionnelle et d’un emplacement privilégié, il offre de multiples possibilités d’utilisation, que ce soit pour le logement, le commerce ou le tourisme. De construction noble et robuste, il a survécu à 2 tremblements de terre sans aucun dommage. Une partie de la maison, y compris la cuisine et les pièces principales, conserve le papillon de nuit d’origine. Le bâtiment peut être transformé en :
Hôtel-boutique ou maison d’hôtes
- Espace commercial résidentiel
- Vision, projet ou jumelage
- Restaurant/Café avec hébergement
Il s’agit d’une propriété d’une grande valeur historique et architecturale, prête pour un nouveau projet innovant. Doté d’une architecture traditionnelle et d’un emplacement privilégié, il offre de multiples possibilités d’utilisation, que ce soit pour le logement, le commerce ou le tourisme. De construction noble et robuste, il a survécu à deux tremblements de terre sans aucun dommage. Une partie de la maison, y compris la cuisine et les chambres principales, a conservé son design d’origine. Les appartements, avec 92m², et l’ancienne cave avec 24m². Projet
- Restaurant/Café avec hébergement
Il s’agit d’une propriété d’une grande valeur historique et architecturale, prête pour un nouveau projet innovant.