
Criteri di ricerca avanzata

Tipo di proprietà
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Sottotipo di proprietà
Età del proprietario
Camere da letto
Grandezza proprietà
Grandezza lotto
Anno di costruzione
Anno di istituzione
Sistema di riscaldamento
Combustibili da riscaldamento
Consumo di energia
Emissioni Gas Greenhouse
Prezzo / m²
Affitto / m² / anno
Reddito netto
Prezzo di locazione

Terreno in vendita - Kyustendil

EUR 190.100

Terreno (In vendita)

Riferimento: EDEN-T77563733 / 77563733
For more information call us on ... or 02 425 68 22 and quote the property reference number: Bo 73728. Responsible broker: Stefan Abanozov offer for purchase an equal plot with a rectangular shape and area 1901 sq.m. Perfect location next door to Bungalows Verila, Sanatorium and only 300 meters from Aqua Club Kotvata. The natural riches, climate and location of the municipality are a prerequisite for the development of balneotherapy, ecological and rural tourism. Building parameters: Density 50% Kint 1. 2 Storey 3/10 meters Minimum landscaped area 50% The town is located 75 km southwest of sofia and 56 km from the regional center Kyustendil. Near the municipality of Sapareva Banya passes one of the main thoroughfares in the country international road E79, part of international transport corridor 4. Sapareva Banya has hot springs. Here is located the only geyser fountain in Bulgaria and continental Europe. The average altitude in the perimeter of the village is about 750 m, and the relief here can be attributed to the type of hilly low-mountain relief. View of the property We can organize a view of the property at a convenient time for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell them when you would like to make an inspection. Reservation of the property The property can be booked and withdrawn from sale with payment of a deposit, after which the conduct of inspections with other buyers is terminated and preparation of the documents for the conclusion of a preliminary and final contract is terminated. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information on the purchase procedure and payment methods. Additional services and after-sales service We are a reputable company and will be with you not only at the time of purchase, but also afterwards, providing you with additional services at your request for full and hassle-free use of the newly purchased property. The services we can offer include insurance of movable and immovable property, life insurance, medical and motor insurance, construction and repair activities, furniture, legal and accounting services, etc. Visualizza di più Visualizza di meno За повече информация обадете ни се на тел: ... или 02 425 68 22 и цитирайте референтния номер на имота: Bo 73728. Отговорен брокер: Стефан Абанозов Предлагаме за покупка равен парцел с правоъгълна форма и площ 1901 кв. м. Перфектна локация в съседство на бунгала Верила, Санаториум и само на 300 метра от Аква Клуб Котвата. Природните богатства, климат и местоположение на общината са предпоставка за развитието на балнеолечение, екологичен и селски туризъм. Параметри на застрояване: Плътност 50% Кинт 1. 2 Етажност 3/10 метра Минимална озеленена площ 50% Градът е разположен на 75 km югозападно от град София и на 56 km от областния център Кюстендил. В близост до община Сапарева баня минава една от основните пътни артерии в страната международен път Е79, част от международен транспортен коридор 4. В Сапарева баня има горещи минерални извори. Тук се намира единственият в България и континентална Европа гейзер-фонтан. Средната надморска височина в периметъра на селището е около 750 m, като релефът тук може да се отнесе към типа на хълмисто нископланинския релеф. Оглед на имота Можем да организираме оглед на имота в удобно за вас време. За целта, свържете се с отговорния за офертата брокер и му кажете кога бихте искали да направите оглед. Резервация на имота Имотът може да бъде резервиран и свален от продажба със заплащане на депозит, след което се прекратява провеждането на огледи с други купувачи и започва подготовка на документите за сключване на предварителен и окончателен договор. Свържете се с отговорния брокер за този имот за подробна информация относно процедурата на покупка и начините за плащане. Допълнителни услуги и следпродажбено обслужване Ние сме реномирана компания и ще бъдем с вас не само по време на покупката, но и след това, осигурявайки ви допълнителни услуги по ваше изискване с цел пълноценно и безпроблемно ползване на новозакупения имот. Услугите, които можем да предложим, включват застраховка на движимо и недвижимо имущество, застраховка живот, медицинско и автомобилно застраховане, строителни и ремонтни дейности, обзавеждане, юридически и счетоводни услуги и др. Pour plus d’informations appelez-nous au ... ou 02 425 68 22 et citez le numéro de référence de la propriété: Bo 73728. Courtier responsable: Stefan Abanozov Nous offrons pour l’achat une parcelle égale de forme rectangulaire et une superficie de 1901 sq.m. L’emplacement est parfait à côté des bungalows Verila, Sanatorium et à seulement 300 mètres de l’Aqua Club Kotva. Les richesses naturelles, le climat et l’emplacement de la municipalité sont une condition préalable au développement de la balnéothérapie, du tourisme écologique et rural. Paramètres de construction: Densité 50% Kint 1. 2 Étages 3/10 mètres Zone paysagiste minimale 50% La ville est située à 75 km au sud-ouest de Sofia et à 56 km du centre du district de Kyustendil. Près de la municipalité de Spareva Banya passe l’une des principales artères de la route internationale du pays E79, une partie du couloir de transport international 4. Il y a des sources thermales à Sapareva Banya. Ici se trouve la seule fontaine geyser en Bulgarie et en Europe continentale. L’altitude moyenne dans le périmètre de la colonie est d’environ 750 m, et le relief ici peut être attribué au type de relief vallonné de basse montagne. Vue de la propriété Nous pouvons organiser une vue de la propriété à un moment opportun pour vous. Pour ce faire, contactez le courtier responsable de l’offre et dites-lui quand vous souhaitez jeter un oeil. Réservation de la propriété La propriété peut être réservée et retirée de la vente avec le paiement d’un dépôt, après quoi la conduite des inspections avec d’autres acheteurs est terminée et la préparation des documents pour la conclusion d’un contrat préliminaire et final commence. Contactez le courtier responsable de cette propriété pour obtenir des informations détaillées sur la procédure d’achat et les méthodes de paiement. Services supplémentaires et service après-vente Nous sommes une entreprise réputée et nous serons avec vous non seulement au moment de l’achat, mais aussi après, vous fournissant des services supplémentaires à votre demande afin de faire un usage complet et sans tracas de la propriété nouvellement achetée. Les services que nous pouvons offrir incluent l’assurance des biens meubles et immeubles, l’assurance-vie, l’assurance médicale et automobile, les activités de construction et de réparation, les meubles, les services juridiques et comptables, etc. For more information call us on ... or 02 425 68 22 and quote the property reference number: Bo 73728. Responsible broker: Stefan Abanozov offer for purchase an equal plot with a rectangular shape and area 1901 sq.m. Perfect location next door to Bungalows Verila, Sanatorium and only 300 meters from Aqua Club Kotvata. The natural riches, climate and location of the municipality are a prerequisite for the development of balneotherapy, ecological and rural tourism. Building parameters: Density 50% Kint 1. 2 Storey 3/10 meters Minimum landscaped area 50% The town is located 75 km southwest of sofia and 56 km from the regional center Kyustendil. Near the municipality of Sapareva Banya passes one of the main thoroughfares in the country international road E79, part of international transport corridor 4. Sapareva Banya has hot springs. Here is located the only geyser fountain in Bulgaria and continental Europe. The average altitude in the perimeter of the village is about 750 m, and the relief here can be attributed to the type of hilly low-mountain relief. View of the property We can organize a view of the property at a convenient time for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell them when you would like to make an inspection. Reservation of the property The property can be booked and withdrawn from sale with payment of a deposit, after which the conduct of inspections with other buyers is terminated and preparation of the documents for the conclusion of a preliminary and final contract is terminated. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information on the purchase procedure and payment methods. Additional services and after-sales service We are a reputable company and will be with you not only at the time of purchase, but also afterwards, providing you with additional services at your request for full and hassle-free use of the newly purchased property. The services we can offer include insurance of movable and immovable property, life insurance, medical and motor insurance, construction and repair activities, furniture, legal and accounting services, etc. Para más información, llámenos al: ... o 02 425 68 22 y cite el número de referencia de la propiedad: Bo 73728. Agente responsable: Stefan Abanozov Ofrecemos a la venta un terreno plano de forma rectangular y una superficie de 1901 metros cuadrados. Ubicación perfecta junto a los bungalows Verila, Sanatorio y a solo 300 metros del Aqua Club Kotvata. Los recursos naturales, el clima y la ubicación del municipio son un requisito previo para el desarrollo de la balneoterapia, el turismo ecológico y rural. Parámetros de construcción: Densidad 50% Kint 1. 2 Número de plantas 3/10 metros Superficie verde mínima 50% La ciudad se encuentra a 75 km al suroeste de la ciudad de Sofía y a 56 km del centro regional de Kyustendil. Cerca del municipio de Sapareva, Banya pasa por una de las principales arterias viales del país, la carretera internacional E79, que forma parte del corredor de transporte internacional 4. En Sapareva Banya hay manantiales minerales calientes. Aquí se encuentra la única fuente de géiser en Bulgaria y Europa continental. La altitud media en el perímetro del asentamiento es de unos 750 m, y el relieve aquí se puede atribuir al tipo de relieve montañoso montañoso bajo. Podemos organizar una visita a la propiedad en un momento conveniente para usted. Para ello, póngase en contacto con el corredor responsable de la oferta y dígale cuándo le gustaría realizar una visita. La propiedad se puede reservar y retirar de la venta con el pago de un depósito, después de lo cual se terminan las visitas con otros compradores y comienza la preparación de los documentos para celebrar un contrato preliminar y final. Póngase en contacto con el corredor responsable de esta propiedad para obtener información detallada sobre el procedimiento de compra y los métodos de pago. Somos una empresa de confianza y estaremos con usted no solo durante la compra, sino también después, brindándole servicios adicionales a su solicitud para utilizar completamente y sin problemas la propiedad recién comprada. Los servicios que podemos ofrecer incluyen seguros de bienes muebles e inmuebles, seguros de vida, seguros médicos y de automóviles, actividades de construcción y reparación, muebles, servicios legales y contables, etc. Para mais informações, ligue para: ... ou 02 425 68 22 e cite o número de referência do imóvel: Bo 73728. Corretor responsável: Stefan Abanozov Oferecemos para compra um terreno plano de forma retangular e uma área de 1901 m². Localização perfeita ao lado dos bangalôs Verila, Sanatório e a apenas 300 metros do Aqua Club Kotvata. Os recursos naturais, o clima e a localização do concelho são um pré-requisito para o desenvolvimento da balneoterapia, do turismo ecológico e rural. Parâmetros de construção: Densidade 50% Kint 1. 2 Número de andares 3/10 metros Área verde mínima 50% A cidade está localizada a 75 km a sudoeste da cidade de Sofia e a 56 km do centro regional de Kyustendil. Perto do município de Sapareva Banya passa uma das principais artérias rodoviárias do país, a estrada internacional E79, parte do corredor de transporte internacional 4. Em Sapareva Banya existem fontes termais. Aqui está a única fonte de gêiseres na Bulgária e na Europa continental. A altitude média no perímetro do assentamento é de cerca de 750 m, e o relevo aqui pode ser atribuído ao tipo de relevo montanhoso baixo. Podemos organizar uma visita à propriedade em um horário conveniente para você. Para isso, entre em contato com o corretor responsável pela oferta e informe quando deseja fazer uma visualização. O imóvel pode ser reservado e retirado da venda com o pagamento de um depósito, após o qual as visitas com outros compradores são encerradas e inicia-se a preparação dos documentos para a celebração de um contrato preliminar e final. Entre em contato com o corretor responsável por esta propriedade para obter informações detalhadas sobre o procedimento de compra e métodos de pagamento. Somos uma empresa conceituada e estaremos com você não apenas durante a compra, mas também depois, fornecendo serviços adicionais a seu pedido, a fim de usar de forma plena e tranquila a propriedade recém-adquirida. Os serviços que podemos oferecer incluem seguro de bens móveis e imóveis, seguro de vida, seguro médico e automóvel, atividades de construção e reparo, móveis, serviços jurídicos e contábeis, etc. Pre viac informácií nám zavolajte na: ... alebo 02 425 68 22 a uveďte referenčné číslo nehnuteľnosti: Bo 73728. Zodpovedný maklér: Stefan Abanozov Ponúkame na kúpu rovinatý pozemok obdĺžnikového tvaru a výmere 1901 m². Perfektná poloha vedľa bungalovov Verila, Sanatória a len 300 metrov od Aqua Clubu Kotvata. Prírodné zdroje, podnebie a poloha obce sú predpokladom rozvoja balneoterapie, ekologického a vidieckeho cestovného ruchu. Parametre budovy: Hustota 50% Kint 1. 2 Počet podlaží 3/10 metrov Minimálna zelená plocha 50% Mesto sa nachádza 75 km juhozápadne od mesta Sofia a 56 km od regionálneho centra Kyustendil. Neďaleko obce Sapareva Banya prechádza jednou z hlavných cestných tepien v krajine medzinárodná cesta E79, ktorá je súčasťou medzinárodného dopravného koridoru 4. V Sapareva Banya sú horúce minerálne pramene. Tu je jediná gejzírová fontána v Bulharsku a kontinentálnej Európe. Priemerná nadmorská výška v obvode osady je asi 750 m a reliéf tu možno pripísať typu kopcovitého nízkohorského reliéfu. Vieme zorganizovať obhliadku nehnuteľnosti vo vhodnom čase pre vás. Ak to chcete urobiť, kontaktujte makléra zodpovedného za ponuku a povedzte mu, kedy si chcete prezrieť. Nehnuteľnosť je možné rezervovať a stiahnuť z predaja so zaplatením zálohy, po ktorej sa ukončia prehliadky s ostatnými kupujúcimi a začína sa príprava podkladov na uzavretie predbežnej a konečnej zmluvy. Kontaktujte zodpovedného makléra pre túto nehnuteľnosť pre podrobné informácie o postupe kúpy a spôsoboch platby. Sme renomovaná spoločnosť a budeme s vami nielen pri kúpe, ale aj po nej, poskytneme vám na vašu žiadosť doplnkové služby, aby ste mohli naplno a bezproblémovo využívať novo zakúpenú nehnuteľnosť. Služby, ktoré môžeme ponúknuť, zahŕňajú poistenie hnuteľného a nehnuteľného majetku, životné poistenie, zdravotné poistenie a poistenie motorových vozidiel, stavebné a opravárenské činnosti, nábytok, právne a účtovné služby atď.
Riferimento: EDEN-T77563733
Paese: BG
Città: Kustendil
Codice postale: 2650
Categoria: Residenziale
Tipo di annuncio: In vendita
Tipo di proprietà: Terreno
Grandezza proprietà: 1.901
Altre valute