EUR 128.300
1.100 m²
- A personalized market study for your property
- An advanced marketing plan
- Process managers who accompany you throughout the bureaucratic process
- Mortgage Specialist who will offer you the best financing solutions
- Marketing and Communication Department that uses the most advanced technological tools and has human resources such as a professional photographer and specialists in social networks and design that safeguard the correct promotion of your property
- Administrative staff specialized in the real estate market who will support you throughout the process of selling or buying a house. The success of our company is nothing more than the realization of our customers' dreams!National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts
https:// Visualizza di più Visualizza di meno Lote de terreno com 1439m2 integrado no Atlantic Village na Costa de prata, na Localidade Praia da Pedra Do Ouro, este Lote permite construir uma moradia de R/C ; ou R/c e primeiro andar dependendo do gosto e necessidade de cada cliente. A envolvência de uma extensa floresta e o mar tornam este empreendimento num local único para a sua moradia de primeira ou segunda habitação, o Atlantic Village encontra-se a 10 mnts da Cidade da Marinha Grande e da Pitoresca Vila de Nazaré e a 1h 20 mts do Aeroporto de Lisboa.Porquê vender ou comprar com a CENTURY 21Porque com a CENTURY 21, dada a sua estrutura de Staff altamente especializada, não tem que se preocupar com pesadelos burocráticos nem com incertezas relativamente à venda ou compra rápida, honesta e transparente da sua casa.Porque, de forma GRATUITA, facultamos:
- Um estudo de mercado personalizado para o seu imóvel
- Um plano de marketing avançado
- Gestores processuais que o acompanham em todo o processo burocrático
- Especialista de Crédito Habitação que lhe oferecerá as melhores soluções de financiamento
- Departamento de Marketing e Comunicação que utiliza as mais avançadas ferramentas tecnológicas e que tem recursos humanos como um fotógrafo profissional e especialistas em redes sociais e design que salvaguardam a correcta promoção do seu imóvel
- Staff administrativo especializado no mercado imobiliário que o apoiará em todo o processo de venda ou compra de casa. O sucesso da nossa empresa não é mais do que a concretização dos sonhos dos nossos clientes!Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo
https:// Grundstück mit 1439m2 integriert im Atlantic Village an der Silberküste, in der Ortschaft Praia da Pedra Do Ouro, ermöglicht Ihnen dieses Grundstück den Bau einer Villa im Erdgeschoss; oder Erdgeschoss und erster Stock, je nach Geschmack und Bedarf jedes Kunden. Die Umgebung eines ausgedehnten Waldes und des Meeres machen diese Anlage zu einem einzigartigen Ort für Ihr Erst- oder Zweitwohnsitz, Atlantic Village ist 10 Meter von der Stadt Marinha Grande und dem malerischen Dorf Nazaré und 1h 20 Meter vom Flughafen Lissabon entfernt.Warum verkaufen oder kaufen mit CENTURY 21Denn mit CENTURY 21 müssen Sie sich aufgrund der hochspezialisierten Personalstruktur keine Sorgen um bürokratische Albträume oder Unsicherheiten bezüglich des schnellen, ehrlichen und transparenten Verkaufs oder Kaufs Ihres Eigenheims machen.Weil wir KOSTENLOS Folgendes zur Verfügung stellen:
- Eine personalisierte Marktstudie für Ihre Immobilie
- Ein fortschrittlicher Marketingplan
- Verfahrensmanager, die Sie während des gesamten bürokratischen Prozesses begleiten
- Hypothekenspezialist, der Ihnen die besten Finanzierungslösungen anbietet
- Marketing- und Kommunikationsabteilung, die die fortschrittlichsten technologischen Tools verwendet und über Personalressourcen wie einen professionellen Fotografen und Spezialisten für soziale Netzwerke und Design verfügt, die die korrekte Werbung für Ihre Immobilie gewährleisten
- Auf den Immobilienmarkt spezialisiertes Verwaltungspersonal, das Sie während des gesamten Prozesses des Verkaufs oder Kaufs eines Hauses unterstützt. Der Erfolg unseres Unternehmens ist nichts anderes als die Erfüllung der Träume unserer Kunden!Nationales Zentrum für Information und Schlichtung von Verbraucherstreitigkeiten
https:// Plot of land with 1439m2 integrated in the Atlantic Village on the Silver Coast, in the locality Praia da Pedra Do Ouro, this Plot allows you to build a ground floor villa; or ground floor and first floor depending on the taste and need of each customer. The surroundings of an extensive forest and the sea make this development a unique place for your first or second home, Atlantic Village is located 10 minutes from the City of Marinha Grande and the Picturesque Village of Nazaré and 1h 20 mts from Lisbon Airport.Why sell or buy with CENTURY 21Because with CENTURY 21, given its highly specialized Staff structure, you don't have to worry about bureaucratic nightmares or uncertainties regarding the quick, honest and transparent sale or purchase of your home.Because, for FREE, we provide:
- A personalized market study for your property
- An advanced marketing plan
- Process managers who accompany you throughout the bureaucratic process
- Mortgage Specialist who will offer you the best financing solutions
- Marketing and Communication Department that uses the most advanced technological tools and has human resources such as a professional photographer and specialists in social networks and design that safeguard the correct promotion of your property
- Administrative staff specialized in the real estate market who will support you throughout the process of selling or buying a house. The success of our company is nothing more than the realization of our customers' dreams!National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts