Casa e casa singola (In vendita)
/ 96128056
Tipo di annuncio:
In vendita
Tipo di proprietà:
Casa e casa singola
Grandezza proprietà:
283 m²
Grandezza lotto:
7.270 m²
Camere da letto:
Location: Bouçã, Lugar da Graça, Parish of Vila Facaia, Municipality of Pedrógão Grande, District of Leiria, PortugalOverviewThis unique property consists of two houses integrated with a historic hydrological complex of water mills and water wheels (azenhas). Its architectural and functional uniqueness is unparalleled, as no similar construction can be built in the area due to:Urban protection regulations: The location falls under safeguarded urban zones.
Historical mechanisms: The original water-powered mechanisms, still operational and installed within the property, are rare and irreplicable.
The buildings preserve their traditional architectural features, designed in harmony with the surrounding natural landscape. This reflects ancestral practices and industrial engineering techniques that utilized water flows, slopes, and gravity to power mechanisms for producing energy and grinding agricultural products such as corn, rye, and barley into flour.Property DescriptionMain House
Converted from a large water mill, this building retains its historical structures and mechanisms. Water still flows through the house, almost like its lifeblood, contributing to its unique ambiance and functionality.
8 suites suitable for permanent residence or tourism.
Spacious living rooms, kitchen, pantry, and various outdoor spaces: porches, pathways, stairways, reservoirs, and streams.
The design ingeniously blends tradition with modern comfort, offering a harmonious living experience surrounded by nature.
Second House (T2)
A smaller, separate residence with a T2 configuration (two bedrooms), ideal for additional accommodation or private use.
Location and SurroundingsThe property is situated near Bouçã, a unique location in Portugal where the dam discharges water as a cascade over its containment wall. It lies at the heart of a region rich in water and greenery, featuring:Proximity to the Zêzere River and its reservoirs:
Downstream from the Cabril Dam.
Upstream from the Castelo do Bode Dam.
A network of lakes, streams, and reservoirs, creating a lush and verdant environment.
Close to Cernache do Bonjardim, a town with historical and cultural significance.
Uniqueness and PotentialThis property is a rare combination of:Historical preservation: Maintaining the original design, materials, and mechanisms of water-powered mills.
Natural integration: Designed to coexist with the surrounding landscape, preserving traditional architectural harmony.
Tourism potential: Ideal for eco-tourism or historical lodging, with 8 suites and proximity to natural and cultural landmarks.
Practical use: The existing water systems, reservoirs, and functional mechanisms can be utilized for sustainable energy and agricultural purposes.
This property is not just a residence but a living testament to Portugals engineering, architectural, and natural heritage Visualizza di più Visualizza di meno Moradia rústica resultante de um conjunto de moinhos de água e azenhas com 8 suítes, e ainda outra moradia T2, localizada em Bouçã, lugar da Graça, Freguesia de Vila Facaia, concelho de Pedrógão Grande, Distrito de LeiriaNo local em que se encontram estas duas moradias e o complexo hídrico com que se fundem, jamais poderá ser edificada outra construção parecida, por um lado porque se encontra em zona de salvaguarda urbanística e, por outro, porque os mecanismos que ainda ali estão instalados e a funcionar, dificilmente serão reprodutíveis ou passíveis de serem replicados, aliás, tal como os edifícios que preservam toda a traça e se organizam de acordo com o que a natureza estipulou, que é o mesmo que dizer, em perfeita consonância com as práticas e tradições ancestrais, decorrentes de engenharias industriais que aproveitaram a água, os aclives e declives como processo de aceleração e animação de engenhos capazes de produzir energia e transformar produtos agrícolas granulados em farinhas de milho, centeio, cevada, entre outras.A maior destas duas casas permanece praticamente intacta no que diz respeito aos ditos engenhos e à água que circula dentro de si própria, quase como se de seiva se trate e dessa seiva dependa a sua própria existência, no entanto, fruto da criatividade do seu proprietário, adaptada à convivência humana, seja em termos de habitação permanente ou habitação turística nas oito suítes de que dispõe, salões, cozinha, despensa, alpendres, passeios, escadas, acessos, represas e ribeiros.Localizada muito próximo da Bouçã, a única barragem em Portugal que descarrega em cascata, por cima do muro de contenção, situada a poucos quilómetros de Cernache do Bom Jardim, rio Zêzere, a jusante da Barragem do Cabril e a montante da Barragem de Castelo do Bode, numa verdadeira encruzilhada de espelhos de água, rios e ribeiros, charcas e áreas de verdadeira natureza verdejante e poderosa. Rustiek huis dat het resultaat is van een reeks watermolens en watermolens met 8 suites, en nog een villa met 2 slaapkamers, gelegen in Bouçã, plaats Graça, parochie van Vila Facaia, gemeente Pedrógão Grande, district LeiriaOp de plaats waar deze twee woningen en het watercomplex staan waarmee ze versmelten, kan nooit een andere soortgelijke constructie worden gebouwd, enerzijds omdat deze zich in een stedelijke beschermingszone bevindt en anderzijds omdat de mechanismen die daar nog zijn geïnstalleerd en functioneren, nauwelijks reproduceerbaar zullen zijn of kunnen worden gerepliceerd, In feite, net als de gebouwen die al het ontwerp behouden en zijn georganiseerd volgens wat de natuur heeft bepaald, dat wil zeggen in perfecte harmonie met voorouderlijke praktijken en tradities, het resultaat van industriële techniek die gebruik maakte van water, de hellingen en hellingen als een proces van versnelling en animatie van molens die in staat zijn om energie te produceren en gegranuleerde landbouwproducten om te zetten in maïsmeel, rogge, gerst, onder andere.Het grootste van deze twee huizen blijft praktisch intact met betrekking tot de genoemde molens en het water dat in zichzelf circuleert, bijna alsof het sap is en het bestaan ervan hangt af van dat sap, maar het resultaat van de creativiteit van de eigenaar, aangepast aan het menselijk samenleven, of het nu gaat om permanente huisvesting of toeristische huisvesting in de acht suites die het heeft, hallen, keuken, bijkeuken, veranda's, trottoirs, trappen, toegangen, dammen en beken.Gelegen zeer dicht bij Bouçã, de enige dam in Portugal die in cascade uitmondt, over de keermuur, gelegen op enkele kilometers van Cernache do Bom Jardim, de rivier de Zêzere, stroomafwaarts van de Cabril-dam en stroomopwaarts van de Castelo do Bode-dam, op een waar kruispunt van waterspiegels, rivieren en beken, vijvers en gebieden met echte groene en krachtige natuur. Rustic House Complex with Historical Water Mills and 8 Suites, Including an Additional T2 House
Location: Bouçã, Lugar da Graça, Parish of Vila Facaia, Municipality of Pedrógão Grande, District of Leiria, PortugalOverviewThis unique property consists of two houses integrated with a historic hydrological complex of water mills and water wheels (azenhas). Its architectural and functional uniqueness is unparalleled, as no similar construction can be built in the area due to:Urban protection regulations: The location falls under safeguarded urban zones.
Historical mechanisms: The original water-powered mechanisms, still operational and installed within the property, are rare and irreplicable.
The buildings preserve their traditional architectural features, designed in harmony with the surrounding natural landscape. This reflects ancestral practices and industrial engineering techniques that utilized water flows, slopes, and gravity to power mechanisms for producing energy and grinding agricultural products such as corn, rye, and barley into flour.Property DescriptionMain House
Converted from a large water mill, this building retains its historical structures and mechanisms. Water still flows through the house, almost like its lifeblood, contributing to its unique ambiance and functionality.
8 suites suitable for permanent residence or tourism.
Spacious living rooms, kitchen, pantry, and various outdoor spaces: porches, pathways, stairways, reservoirs, and streams.
The design ingeniously blends tradition with modern comfort, offering a harmonious living experience surrounded by nature.
Second House (T2)
A smaller, separate residence with a T2 configuration (two bedrooms), ideal for additional accommodation or private use.
Location and SurroundingsThe property is situated near Bouçã, a unique location in Portugal where the dam discharges water as a cascade over its containment wall. It lies at the heart of a region rich in water and greenery, featuring:Proximity to the Zêzere River and its reservoirs:
Downstream from the Cabril Dam.
Upstream from the Castelo do Bode Dam.
A network of lakes, streams, and reservoirs, creating a lush and verdant environment.
Close to Cernache do Bonjardim, a town with historical and cultural significance.
Uniqueness and PotentialThis property is a rare combination of:Historical preservation: Maintaining the original design, materials, and mechanisms of water-powered mills.
Natural integration: Designed to coexist with the surrounding landscape, preserving traditional architectural harmony.
Tourism potential: Ideal for eco-tourism or historical lodging, with 8 suites and proximity to natural and cultural landmarks.
Practical use: The existing water systems, reservoirs, and functional mechanisms can be utilized for sustainable energy and agricultural purposes.
This property is not just a residence but a living testament to Portugals engineering, architectural, and natural heritage