Land for sale with 2.192 hectares in the center of Cabanas de Viriato.According to the PDM of Cabanas de Viriato, the land falls into the categories “Espaços Habitacionais II” e "Espaços Verdes", allowing therefore the consturiction of private housing.The land has several wells, olive trees, walnut trees and other fruit trees.It has three entrances, from Rua das Fontaínhas to the east and Travessa das Fontaínhas to the south and west.A wall has recently been built along the western edge of the plot.
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Se vende terreno con 2.192 hectáreas en el centro de Cabanas de Viriato.Según el PDM de Cabañas de Viriato, el terreno entra en la categoría de “Espacios Urbanizables”, lo que permite subdividirlo y construirlo.El terreno tiene varios pozos, olivos, nogales y otros árboles frutales.Tiene tres entradas, desde Rua das Fontaínhas al este y Travessa das Fontaínhas al sur y oeste.Recientemente se ha construido un muro a lo largo del borde occidental de la parcela.
Terrain à vendre de 2 192 hectares au centre de Cabanas de Viriato.Selon le PDM de Cabanas de Viriato, le terrain entre dans la catégorie des « Espaces urbanisables », permettant de subdiviser et de construire.Le terrain possède plusieurs puits, des oliviers, des noyers et autres arbres fruitiers.Il dispose de trois entrées, depuis la Rua das Fontaínhas à l'est et la Travessa das Fontaínhas au sud et à l'ouest.Un mur a été récemment construit le long de la limite ouest de la parcelle.
Terreno para venda com 2,192 hectares no centro de Cabanas de Viriato.De acordo com o PDM de Cabanas de Viriato, o terreno insere-se nas categorias de “Espaços Habitacionais II” e "Espaços Verdes", sendo possível a construção de habitações no terreno.O terreno tem vários poços, oliveiras, nogueiras, e outras árvores de fruto.Tem 3 entradas, pela Rua das Fontaínhas a Nascente, e pela Travessa das Fontaínhas a Sul e Poente.Recentemente foi construído um muro em todo o limite Poente do terreno.[EN] Land for sale with 2.192 hectares in the center of Cabanas de Viriato.According to the PDM of Cabanas de Viriato, the land falls into the categories “Espaços Habitacionais II” e "Espaços Verdes", allowing therefore the consturiction of private housing.The land has several wells, olive trees, walnut trees and other fruit trees.It has three entrances, from Rua das Fontaínhas to the east and Travessa das Fontaínhas to the south and west.A wall has recently been built along the western edge of the plot.
Land for sale with 2.192 hectares in the center of Cabanas de Viriato.According to the PDM of Cabanas de Viriato, the land falls into the categories “Espaços Habitacionais II” e "Espaços Verdes", allowing therefore the consturiction of private housing.The land has several wells, olive trees, walnut trees and other fruit trees.It has three entrances, from Rua das Fontaínhas to the east and Travessa das Fontaínhas to the south and west.A wall has recently been built along the western edge of the plot.
Land for sale with 2.192 hectares in the center of Cabanas de Viriato.According to the PDM of Cabanas de Viriato, the land falls into the categories “Espaços Habitacionais II” e "Espaços Verdes", allowing therefore the consturiction of private housing.The land has several wells, olive trees, walnut trees and other fruit trees.It has three entrances, from Rua das Fontaínhas to the east and Travessa das Fontaínhas to the south and west.A wall has recently been built along the western edge of the plot. Land for sale with 2.192 hectares in the center of Cabanas de Viriato.According to the PDM of Cabanas de Viriato, the land falls into the categories “Espaços Habitacionais II” e "Espaços Verdes", allowing therefore the consturiction of private housing.The land has several wells, olive trees, walnut trees and other fruit trees.It has three entrances, from Rua das Fontaínhas to the east and Travessa das Fontaínhas to the south and west.A wall has recently been built along the western edge of the plot.