Ufficio e spazio commerciale (In vendita)
179 m²
/ 104277556
For more information, call us at: ... or 02 425 68 61 and quote the reference number of the property: Sfb 79715. Responsible broker: Ivanka Stoykova Office, total area 179.41 sq.m. (net area 136.76 sq.m. + common parts 42.65 sq.m.). The last two spacious offices with a communicative location in the district. Buxton opposite the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, near Buxton Blvd. Buxton Brothers, ul. Todor Kableshkov, Jumbo, Mall Bulgaria, Lidl Supermarket, Kindergartens and Schools, Blvd. Tsar Boris III, Slavia Park, Fatastico supermarket, Borovo market, Beso restaurant, Econt and Speedy offices, shops, restaurants and cafes, trolley 2 stop, all buses and trolley 9 to Borovo market, a number of other amenities and services. The building consists of a ground floor and two office floors, an attic floor and a basement. At elevation 0.00 are designed: entrance lobby, shop, bistro, staircase with elevator and security/reception area. The bistro will also offer takeaway. On the first and second office floors there are two offices, one per floor. On the attic level, one studio/office with a large terrace of 56.40 sq.m. is designed. The properties are sold finished turnkey - finished bathrooms, toilets, flooring, painted, with switches and sockets. The building is designed as low-energy, equipped with the necessary installations and the highest quality of construction: monolithic structure with reinforced concrete columns, slabs and walls made of Wienerberger Porotherm 25 N+F ceramic blocks, the external ones with insulation. Suspended glass façade Reynaers CS 68. Flat roof, thermally insulated with a pitched part from the west. A photovoltaic system and solar panels are planned to be installed on the flat roof. All rooms are provided with natural lighting and emergency ventilation through triple glazed windows. Bathrooms are ventilated directly. Gas heating. The staircase is naturally lit. It is located from the southwest and connects the four levels of the building. Passenger elevator of the Spanish company ORONA. The prices are without VAT. In addition, you can buy an outdoor double parking space for 30,000 euros. The area is characterized by the presence of landscaped inter-block spaces and gardens, representative offices of the large retail chains Billa, Fantastico, Kaufland, trolley and bus stops, schools and kindergartens, etc. The connection with the center of Sofia is convenient, through the boulevard. Bulgaria, and any point of the capital can be reached quickly and easily
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За повече информация обадете ни се на тел: ... или 02 425 68 61 и цитирайте референтния номер на имота: Sfb 79715. Отговорен брокер: Иванка Стойкова Офис , обща площ 179.41 кв.м. (нетна площ 136.76 кв.м. + общи части 42.65 кв.м.). Последни два просторни офиси с комуникативна локация в кв. Бъкстон срещу Посолството на Кралство Саудитска Арабия, в близост до бул. Братя Бъкстон, ул. Тодор Каблешков, Джъмбо, Мол България, супермаркет Лидъл, детски градини и училища, бул. Цар Борис III, парк Славия, супермаркет Фанатастико, пазар Борово, ресторант Бесо, офиси на Еконт и Спиди, магазини, ресторанти и кафенета, спирка на тролей 2, всички автобуси и тролей 9 до пазар Борово, редица други удобства и услуги. Сградата се състои от партерен етаж и два офисни етажа, мансарден етаж и сутерен. На кота 0,00 са проектирани: входно фоайе, магазин, бистро, стълбище с асансьор и място за охрана/рецепция. В бистрото ще се предлага и храна за вкъщи. На първи и втори офисни етажи са разположени два офиса по един на етаж. На мансардното ниво е проектирано едно ателие/офис с голяма тераса от 56.40 кв.м. Имотите се продават завършени до ключ - готови бани, тоалетни, подови настилки, боядисани, с поставени ключове и контакти. Сградата е проектирана като нискоенергийна, съоръжена с необходимите за това инсталации и най-високо качество на строителството: Mонолитна конструкция със стоманобетонови колони, плочи и стени от керамични блокове Wienerberger Porotherm 25 N+F, външните с изолация. Окачена стъклена фасада Reynaers CS 68. Плосък покрив, топлоизолиран със скатна част от запад. На плоския покрив е предвидено монтиране на фотоволтаична система и соларни панели. Всички помещения са с подсигурено естествено осветление и аварийно проветрение чрез прозорци с троен стъклопакет. Санитарните възли се проветряват директно. Отопление на газ. Стълбището е естествено осветено. Разположено е от югозапад и свързва четирите нива на сградата. Пътнически асансьор на Испанската фирма ORONA. Посочените цени са без ДДС. В допълнение може да закупите и открито двойно паркомясто 30 000 евро. Районът се характеризира с наличие на озеленени междублокови пространства и градинки, представителства на големите търговски вериги Билла , Фантастико , Кауфланд , спирки на тролеи и автобуси, училища и детски градини и др. Връзката с центъра на София е удобна, посредством бул. България, а до всяка точка на столицата се стига бързо и лесно
Pour plus d’informations, appelez-nous au : ... ou 02 425 68 61 et indiquez le numéro de référence du bien : Sfb 79715. Courtier responsable : Ivanka Stoykova Office, superficie totale 179,41 m² (surface nette 136,76 m² + parties communes 42,65 m²). Les deux derniers bureaux spacieux avec un emplacement communicatif dans le quartier. Buxton en face de l’ambassade du Royaume d’Arabie saoudite, près de Buxton Blvd. Buxton Brothers, ul. Todor Kableshkov, Jumbo, Mall Bulgaria, supermarché Lidl, jardins d’enfants et écoles, Blvd. Tsar Boris III, Slavia Park, supermarché Fatastico, marché Borovo, restaurant Beso, bureaux Econt et Speedy, magasins, restaurants et cafés, arrêt de trolley 2, tous les bus et trolley 9 jusqu’au marché de Borovo, un certain nombre d’autres commodités et services. Le bâtiment se compose d’un rez-de-chaussée et de deux étages de bureaux, d’un étage mansardé et d’un sous-sol. À l’élévation 0,00 sont conçus : hall d’entrée, boutique, bistrot, escalier avec ascenseur et zone de sécurité / réception. Le bistro proposera également des plats à emporter. Aux premier et deuxième étages des bureaux, il y a deux bureaux, un par étage. Au niveau mansardé, un studio/bureau avec une grande terrasse de 56,40 m² est conçu. Les propriétés sont vendues finies clé en main - salles de bains finies, toilettes, sols, peints, avec interrupteurs et prises. Le bâtiment est conçu comme étant à faible consommation d’énergie, équipé des installations nécessaires et de la plus haute qualité de construction : structure monolithique avec colonnes en béton armé, dalles et murs en blocs céramiques Wienerberger Porotherm 25 N+F, les extérieurs avec isolation. Façade vitrée suspendue Reynaers CS 68. Toit plat, isolé thermiquement avec une partie inclinée de l’ouest. Une installation photovoltaïque et des panneaux solaires sont prévus sur le toit plat. Toutes les chambres sont dotées d’un éclairage naturel et d’une ventilation d’urgence par des fenêtres à triple vitrage. Les salles de bains sont ventilées directement. Chauffage au gaz. L’escalier est éclairé naturellement. Il est situé par le sud-ouest et relie les quatre niveaux du bâtiment. Ascenseur de la société espagnole ORONA. Les prix sont hors TVA. De plus, vous pouvez acheter une place de parking double extérieure pour 30 000 euros. La zone se caractérise par la présence d’espaces paysagers inter-blocs et de jardins, de bureaux de représentation des grandes chaînes de magasins Billa, Fantastico, Kaufland, d’arrêts de tramway et de bus, d’écoles et de jardins d’enfants, etc. La liaison avec le centre de Sofia est pratique, par le boulevard. La Bulgarie et n’importe quel point de la capitale sont accessibles rapidement et facilement
For more information, call us at: ... or 02 425 68 61 and quote the reference number of the property: Sfb 79715. Responsible broker: Ivanka Stoykova Office, total area 179.41 sq.m. (net area 136.76 sq.m. + common parts 42.65 sq.m.). The last two spacious offices with a communicative location in the district. Buxton opposite the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, near Buxton Blvd. Buxton Brothers, ul. Todor Kableshkov, Jumbo, Mall Bulgaria, Lidl Supermarket, Kindergartens and Schools, Blvd. Tsar Boris III, Slavia Park, Fatastico supermarket, Borovo market, Beso restaurant, Econt and Speedy offices, shops, restaurants and cafes, trolley 2 stop, all buses and trolley 9 to Borovo market, a number of other amenities and services. The building consists of a ground floor and two office floors, an attic floor and a basement. At elevation 0.00 are designed: entrance lobby, shop, bistro, staircase with elevator and security/reception area. The bistro will also offer takeaway. On the first and second office floors there are two offices, one per floor. On the attic level, one studio/office with a large terrace of 56.40 sq.m. is designed. The properties are sold finished turnkey - finished bathrooms, toilets, flooring, painted, with switches and sockets. The building is designed as low-energy, equipped with the necessary installations and the highest quality of construction: monolithic structure with reinforced concrete columns, slabs and walls made of Wienerberger Porotherm 25 N+F ceramic blocks, the external ones with insulation. Suspended glass façade Reynaers CS 68. Flat roof, thermally insulated with a pitched part from the west. A photovoltaic system and solar panels are planned to be installed on the flat roof. All rooms are provided with natural lighting and emergency ventilation through triple glazed windows. Bathrooms are ventilated directly. Gas heating. The staircase is naturally lit. It is located from the southwest and connects the four levels of the building. Passenger elevator of the Spanish company ORONA. The prices are without VAT. In addition, you can buy an outdoor double parking space for 30,000 euros. The area is characterized by the presence of landscaped inter-block spaces and gardens, representative offices of the large retail chains Billa, Fantastico, Kaufland, trolley and bus stops, schools and kindergartens, etc. The connection with the center of Sofia is convenient, through the boulevard. Bulgaria, and any point of the capital can be reached quickly and easily
Codice postale:
Tipo di annuncio:
In vendita
Tipo di proprietà:
Ufficio e spazio commerciale
Grandezza proprietà:
179 m²